County Courts at Law 1, 2, and 3 - Jury Information

CHANGES TO JURY SERVICE: We are excited to announce our new online eResponse system! This will make it more convenient for you to respond to your jury summons, improve our response time, and streamline function. During the transition, you will see new and old information on our website.

If you received a summons in the mail, please visit eResponse for your required questionnaire eResponse.

Call 830-521-5880 for status. This is the automated juror information line for jurors to call in and check on their jury status and get court information.

Jury Duty Schedule:

September 17, 2024
County Court Jury for 9/17/24 is cancelled.
All jurors are excused and do not need to appear. 

County Court at Law - Reporting location is Comal County Landa Annex building, 199 Main Plaza, first floor in check at windows.



Please Read If You Have Been Called As A Juror:
  1. Please complete your juror questionnaire before reporting for jury duty.
  2. Appropriate attire is required. (no shorts, uniforms, muscle shirts, tank tops or message tee-shirts)
  3. All persons entering the building are subject to a metal detection screening and search
  4. No Weapons, sharp objects or chemical sprays allowed
  5. The parking garage is for employees only.
  6. There is free public parking on the corner of Seguin and Bridge Streets.
    Directions and Parking for the Comal County Courts at Law


Juror Information:
  1. Anyone who has an inability to comprehend or communicate in the English language, or have a physical or mental impairment that makes it impossible or very difficult for the person to serve on the jury may request a permanent exemption Permanent exemption.
  2. When requesting a permanent exemption for medical reasons, a statement from your physician must accompany the Application for Exemption.
  3. Permanent Exemption Applications can be emailed to or mailed to 199 Main Plaza Suite 1013, New Braunfels, TX 78130.


Common Questions:

Q. How was I selected?

A. You were selected at random from a list of voter registrations and a list of driver registrations from the county in which you live.

Q. Will I be paid for being a juror?

A. Yes, Comal County jurors are paid at the rate of $10.00 the first day you appear in answer to a summons. For each day following the first day of jury service, jurors shall be paid $40 for each fay of service.

Q. Must my employer pay me while I am on jury duty?

A. Your employer is not required to pay you while on jury duty: however, employers are prohibited by law from firing an employee for serving as a juror.

Q. What if I have a special need or emergency?

A. After you have been selected as a juror on a panel, if you have a special need or emergency, tell the bailiff.

Justice of the Peace Portal