Commissioner Crownover’s Newsroom

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  • Fall Webworms:  What they are and what you should do about them.

  • JEN CROWNOVER: Settling into office and sharing news (Herald-Zeitung Guest Column, 1-28-2015)

    The other day on my office Facebook page, I got the following inquiry: “Can you tell us what you have done for us since being elected?”

    It’s awfully soon, but it’s a completely fair question!

    Personally, I’ve been in office “drinking from a fire hose” for about three weeks, but in this short amount of time, I do think I’ve covered some ground for you.

    Since being sworn in on Jan. 1, I have set up my office at the Courthouse (the Maintenance Department has been amazingly helpful — as have my husband and children), attended almost a week of “Fish Camp” training in Austin with the other incoming judges and commissioners from across the great state, worked with several different county departments to be brought up to speed on the inner workings of the county, attended two commissioners court meetings, gone live with my county webpage, set up a Facebook page for my office and worked on arranging my schedule and space for office hours out in the county —which should start in February.  Continue Reading

  • Nextdoor: A Neighborly Social Network Connecting Residents and Local Governments

    Nextdoor, a private neighbor-to-neighbor social network, is launching a promising and free digital communications alternative for counties and local governments called Nextdoor for Public Agencies.

    The company, which focuses largely on creating and maintaining safe communities, chose to launch the new feature on the National PrepareAthon! Day of Action. “It's not about sharing status updates and pictures, it's about solving problems. The Nextdoor platform is, at its core, very well-positioned to help with crime and safety and emergency response,” said Nextdoor co-founder Sarah Leary, pointing out successes following recent California earthquakes and wildfires during in a telephone interview from the company’s San Francisco headquarters.

    Nextdoor for Public Agencies gives local governments a line into Nextdoor’s private neighborhood networks to communicate with residents not only about issues happening countywide, but also about issues specific to just a part of the county, even down to a single neighborhood. And counties don’t need to entice residents to follow or “Like” them on Nextdoor. By signing up for Nextdoor for Public Agencies, they’ll get access to everyone in the county who uses the site.

  • Comal County roundup by TxDOT

One of the adverse effects of holiday-shortened months and having a lot going on elsewhere is an utter lack of updates on project in outlying areas. In this case, the several major projects in Comal County - particularly around New Braunfels - have been moving right along and we need to tell you about it.
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