Comal County Sheriff's Office

A message from Sheriff Mark Reynolds 

We are truly fortunate to live, work, and serve in Comal County. We are blessed with our scenic Texas hill country with its gentle rolling hills, views you can see for miles, a rich German heritage, the Comal and Guadalupe Rivers, and Canyon Lake. Prince Carl of Solms, Germany founded New Braunfels in 1845. A hidden gem in the heart of Texas. Prince Carl had vision. Just over a year later, on March 24, 1846, Comal County was created after Texas was admitted to the United States as the 28th state.

Henry Gerwin appointed himself as the first Sheriff of Comal County in 1846 in the Plaza area downtown, until formal elections could be held in 1848. Sheriff Gerwin had vision. Since that time, 22 gentlemen have served as Sheriff. They had vision. I am honored and privileged to stand on the shoulders of those that came before and follow in their footsteps. The Comal County Sheriff’s Office is committed to the ideals of Honor, Integrity, Courage, Strength, Character, and keeping Comal County a safe place to live, work, raise a family, and visit. I am resolute in my vision of our future.

Comal County is 234th out of 254 Texas counties as far as size, however we are 27th out of 254 as far as population and one of the fastest growing. We have been and will remain committed to keeping pace with the growth and providing professional and complete law enforcement services to those we are sworn to protect. When you need us, we stand ready to serve!


Mark W. Reynolds, Sheriff

Comal County

Mission Statement

The Comal County Sheriff's Office is committed to serving all of our citizens and visitors with professional law enforcement representing honor, integrity, courage, strength and character as the five points of the Sheriff's Star

We are committed to making Comal County a safe place to live, raise a family, work and visit.  We are committed in this effort through crime prevention initiatives and the  protection of life and property.


Services, Forms and General Information
Services Forms General Info.
Animal Control    
Victim Services Fees
Sheriff's Office Open Records Request Extra Patrol Request Frequently Asked Questions
Jail Open Records Request Submit Traffic Complaints Job Opportunities
Crime Prevention Vehicle VIN Inspection Appointment Form Hiring Information
Send Money - Commissary Funds Sheriff's Office Open Records Request Form   Directory Page
Off Duty Security for Weddings and Events Jail Open Records Request Form Most Wanted in Comal County
Controlled Substance Public Disposal Locations Protective Order Info & Application Duties of the Sheriff
Capture Program Radar Trailer Request Form Maps and Directions
Crime Prevention Peace Officer Involved in Injuries or Death Reports Neighborhood Crime Watch Training Manual
Estray Livestock Citizens Sheriff Academy Application Neighborhood Watch Operations Manual
Junior Deputy's Academy Livestock Owner Information Form Drone Compliance Report for 2021-2022
National Night Out    
Neighborhood Watch    
TxDOT Crash Report Online Purchase System    

Training For Citizens

Citizens Sheriff's Academy

The Citizens Sheriff's Academy is an 11 week long training class rated A+ for its content and quality of instruction. Classes start in late February or early March.

Citizens Sheriff's Academy Information & Application

Justice of the Peace Portal