Comal County Elected Officials Campaign Finance Reports

The 88th Legislature passed HB 2626, which requires all political subdivisions to post on their website all campaign finance reports filed on or after September 1, 2023. The new Internet posting requirement applies to all entities that receive campaign finance reports, including counties, cities, school districts, hospital districts, library districts, utility districts, water districts, etc.

The campaign reports must be posted within 10 business days of receipt and remain on the political subdivision’s website for five years after the report is first made available. The political subdivision may redact the address (other than city, state and zip code) of any contributor before posting the report on its website. The report that includes the full address must remain available at the political subdivision’s office.

If you have any questions, you can reach the Texas Ethics Commission by phone at (512) 463-5800, or email at  HB 2626 can be found here.

Click on the Office Title for additional data:

County Court at Law #1

Judge Randy Gray:
No reports at this time

County Court at Law #2

Judge Charles Stephens II:
02-01-2024 | 07-16-2024

County Court at Law #3

Judge Deborah Wigington:
01-11-2024 | 07-15-2024 | 01-15-2025

Commissioner Precinct 1

Donna Eccleston:
Future report for 2024

Joyce Yannuzzi:
01-08-2024 | 01-30-2024 | 02-26-2024 | 05-20-2024 | 07-03-2024

Douglas Leecock:
01-16-2024A1 | 01-16-2024B | 02-26-2024A | 02-26-2024B | 05-20-2024 | 07-15-2024 | 10-03-2024 | 10-28-2024 | 01-14-2025

Julie Sanders:
01-16-2024 | 02-14-2024 | 08-01-2024 | 10-18-2024

Henry White:

Commissioner Precinct 2

Scott Haag:
01-09-2024 | 07-01-2024 | 01-10-2025

Commissioner Precinct 3

Kevin Webb:
01-11-2024 | 07-15-2024 | 10-04-2024 | 10-28-2024 | 01-17-2025

Tanya Marroquin:

Commissioner Precinct 4

Jen Crownover:

Constable Precinct 1

Charlie Motz:
No reports at this time

Constable Precinct 2

Mark Cheatum:
No reports at this time

Constable Precinct 3

Craig Ackerman:
No reports at this time

Constable Precinct 4

Shane Rapp:
No reports at this time

David De La Fuente:
01-11-2024 | 02-05-2024 | 02-26-2024

Chris Garcia:
01-11-2024 | 02-05-2024 | 02-26-2024

Alice Flores
01-16-2024 | 02-08-2024 | 02-12-2024 | 02-26-2024 | 07-12-2024 | 10-04-2024

| 10-24-2024

County Clerk

Bobbie Koepp:
01-16-2024 | 07-03-2024 | 01-15-2025

County Judge

Sherman Krause:
01-16-2024 | 07-15-2024 | 01-17-2025

County Treasurer

Rene Couch:
01-16-2024 | 07-10-2024 | 01-15-2025

Criminal District Attorney

Jennifer Tharp:
01-16-2024 | 07-10-2024 | 01-13-2025

District Clerk

Heather Kellar:
No reports at this time

Justice of the Peace Precinct 1

Judge Tom Clark:
No reports at this time

Justice of the Peace Precinct 2

Judge James Walker:
No reports at this time

Justice of the Peace Precinct 3

Judge Mike Rust:
No reports at this time

Justice of the Peace Precinct 4

Judge Ashley Evans:
01-11-2024 | 07-12-2024 | 01-08-2025

Tax Assessor Collector

Kristen Hoyt:
01-12-2024 | 07-01-2024

County Party Chair

Virginia "Sue" Piner:
01-11-2024 | 01-29-2024 | 02-26-2024 | 04-03-2024

James "Mark" Montgomery:
01-11-2024 | 02-02-2024 | 02-26-2024 | 06-21-2024

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